
Hello Everyone my name is Zan and I started this clothing line 11 years ago when I was a Jr at Howard University. See the thing is I knew I would attend Howard University since I was in the 7th grade. I did a summer enrichment program and my love for the University began at that time. I understood at a young age how Howard University was pillar for the Black community and it was something I wanted to be apart of! 

So how did I begin the clothing line??

I was a Graphic Design Major shout out to the School of Fine Arts! In 2009 I started a Facebook group called: You know you go to Howard when and I would list out examples such as: you have class during Yardfest and Homecoming is an excuse to take out an emergency loan.  It gained a lot of buzz that I created a t-shirt line based off of it.

My senior year I came up with this classic design as you see on the site. Between taking 21 credits my last year of college I was only able to do a small print run. I was inspired to bring the design Back again for my 10 year Homecoming reunion! Please enjoy the items and if you have any questions please use the contact form and I will get back to you within 24 hours.